Bad picture

It may be bad, but at least it’s something to look at. I’ve been feeling bad about not posting pictures. Here’s my green Pomatomus sock.

It was much longer than this earlier today but I made a right hames of the pattern and had to rip back. I’m not knitting another pair of these for a while. I’m not sure what kind of socks I’ll make myself next. I’m really tempted to try these in hot red and hot yellow. It’s getting dark at 4pm these days; I need a little hot yellow.

You know what else is moving my boat gently up and down? (I was going to say ‘shaking my tree’ but it’s a bit violent… I’m preparing for an early night) This great cardigan that I’d totally forgotten about. I think colour choice is the make-or-break decision of this pattern. I was going to do it in black and yellow, until Alb pointed out that I would look like a bee. I’m loathe to do the green and red because they’re Mayo colours, and I’m from Sligo (black and white… too Diceman… remember him?).

Speaking of black and whites, I’m not really feeling the piano love. I’m learning a new contemporary Irish piece that makes me want to pour hot wax into my ears. The one good thing about it is that it is concisely written and is, motivically anyway, easy to understand. I have just spent the last month learning a sonata that is very wishy washy and insipid. I’m really not wishy washy. There’s no beef to this sonata. Where’s my beef?! I could go on. The one piece I do love is Spanish. I totally get this piece… but it’s written in such a complicated manner that it’s like trying to read hieroglyphics. Imagine the scene: sitting in an olive garden at the end of June in the middle of the night. Gorgeous. Now imagine me: sitting in a stuffy pyramid staring at the wall with a cup of tea, stumped, because I can’t get from the pyramid to the olive garden (the very nature of being stumped demands a cup of tea).

The Knitting Almanac is providing more than adequate solace. More progress, if any, on the olive garden (and sock) tomorrow.

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