Shawl knitting is obsessive. “Just one more repeat!”…. I have already reached the stage where it takes about ten minutes to do a row. Twelve rows per repeat = two hours per repeat. So saying, just one more repeat, is a dangerous strategy! (but oh so gratifying :D)

Check out my progress.

My initial aim was to make a mini-Kiri, but as I get sucked into the vortex that is lace knitting, I’m starting to entertain thoughts of acquiring a second ball and making it into a monstrosity!

My progress on Salina is pitiful in comparison. I casted on for the front yesterday evening.

I woke up at 4 this morning with a pounding headache. Urgh. I half blame me getting a little burned out in the sun yesterday, and half blame me adding three portions of onions to my fried steak last night. I had a belly ache too. But come on… you can’t have steak without onions! In fact, it was one really big onion, a whole scallion and a clove of garlic. Gorgeous. Even though I am now officially dying from lack of sleep, I still say it was worth it.

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