
Horray! Alouette is finished! It is currently drying on a hanger (I’ll explain). I finished off the neck last night, expecting to have to rip it out and do it all over again. But you know, it actually looks ok! Even though I didn’t pick up nearly the right amount of stitches, place my markers in the right place or anything. So I pulled it on and… it’s too short. It looks just fine on me, it’s like a regular t-shirt. But this is for my mum, and she will not like it to be so short. I started thinking about how cotton really stretches out when you hang it up (I have a cotton jumper to prove it – it comes half way down to my knees). So, I dunked it in the sink for a bit, wrung it out and hung it up on a hanger. My plan is that gravity will do my blocking for me. I tell thee solemnly – cotton is heavy as bricks when wet.

With that out of the way, I reswatched for Salina, this time on 4mm needles. It’s not too holey and my gauge was spot on. Woo! So I spent a happy evening doing the moss stitch base and now I have progressed on to the waist shaping. St st kills me. I love knitting with the Felted Tweed, but st st is just the pits. Already I am planning something lacey and complicated. I hear a big ball of mohair calling to me. It wants to be made into a summer wrap. I hear you, mohair!

Pour quoi le lack de pictures, I hear you ask. Well, I left the camera at home when I was down for mum’s birthday party. I’m hoping someone will bring it up to me this weekend. Then I will post lots of pictures of Salina, Alouette (hopefully on its intended!), oh and of my Jaywalker too, which is snailing its way to the toes.

Ordered my loom this evening. Well, I emailed the woman at the shop in Dundee saying, please can I buy that loom now. The problem with my 3v card is that I have to use up all the money on it because you have to pay to get your cash back off it. Now, I was going to end up with about e5 left on it, so I spent ages hunting around on the loom site looking for something to buy. I finally plumped for a ball of Noro Silk Garden. I figure it’ll make a nice cravat. If I did my sums correctly, I should have about 20c left over on the card, which I think I can live with.

In other news, I accepted a job offer as a civil servant temp in Sligo for the summer. I start on June 26th. I expect to spend ten weeks processing Pension forms (be still, my wildly beating heart). How I’m going to work full time and practice for my recital in September, I have no idea. My plan is to get as much done before I start working and just hope for the best. The good news is that it pays pretty well, so I’ll be able to put a good amount towards my fees for next year, and have some holiday and wool money left over. Alb and I are planning on heading to Berlin in August. I’m bringing an extra bag for ggh mohair and Rebecca back issues!!!

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