
Look what came in the post yesterday! It’s a package from Bryony!

Check out the groovy wrapping paper and card. I think I’ll keep the paper and use it for a collage or something. What you see are two gorgeous balls of 100% Alpaca wool from Garnstudio. I’m really excited about using this for something… I’m actually thinking a little felted bag. Also included, but not present, is a fantastic bar of green & black’s fruit and nut bar. Well done on the detective work Bryony 😉 It was rather a lovely end to a fairly crappy week.

After I took the picture above, something caught hold of me and commanded me to have a go at recording a podcast. So I ended up talking to myself for nearly two hours, between one thing and another, and ended up not making the post until this morning. And why am I up so early, I hear you ask? My sister and her family were banging on the door at 7am to be let it, that’s why! They are asleep now. My nephew is funny. (from upstairs) David: Liam, take off your pants and get into bed! Liam: I don’t wanna take off my pants! *pout* He’s my nephew alright.

I gotta get the train home later this morning but I just wanted to say a big thank you to Bryony for her thoughtful present. Ok, must go and pack some clothes and get some practice done.

One thought on “Events!

  1. I’m glad it arrived! I was starting to get a little worried… And I don’t do things by halves – I had to make sure I got your choccy taste correct 😉 Hope you like the yarn, colour, and can do something nice with it 🙂

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