Day 15

15 days to go. I have thirty more rows to go on the yoke. I can do this! I’m already on my second ball of six so I think I’m going to need a few more…

Looks so innocent, doesn’t it? Blue socks have been abandoned for the moment in favour of Argosy. Yum yum yum. I have to hold myself back on this one or else my sweater will never be finished in time. The colours! The texture! The feel of it! Silk Garden always takes me by surprise because from a distance, it looks a lot like Kureyon. All together now…

From a distance…. the sca-arrrff looks bluuuue and greeeen

The other joy of knitting with Silk Garden is, of course, the twigs, leaves and briars that come quietly out of the ball. I always wonder about that. I have never knit a Noro project that didn’t have foliage in it, but when you buy the stuff, there’s no sign of it in the ball (and I’ve checked! It’s like the twigs only emerge when there is monetary exchange. Surely this stuff is worthy of Pokémon-like status). It’s curious. Sometimes I imagine that they have magically fleeced sheep in Japan that don’t need to be sheared. They just spin the stuff right off their back and to hell with the twigs. If I had a sheep like that (note to self: source silk-angora-wool breed sheep) I’d probably do the same thing. But shouldn’t they put a fire hazard notice on the yarn, with all that extra kindling? I never thought there’d be such a thing as irresponsible spinning but there you have it.

2 thoughts on “Day 15

  1. i’ve heard that about noro before. i just got my first skeins of it recently and they looked ok from the outside. looking forward to seeing what ‘extras’ are hidden inside.

  2. It seems like noro is really famous and everyone seems rather willing to continue to just buy it and put up with the firewood.

    Thing is, I’ve been reading a LOT about fiber prep, and getting the sticks out goes hand-in-hand with getting things like…poop…out of the wool. I guess if the sheep doesn’t roll around in it, the poop gets concentrated on the obvious areas that can be removed, and it HAS been washed a bit, but still. I agree with your assessment of irresponsible spinning.

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